Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 6, 2014

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World GPS 163 Maps Sygic GPS Navigation-AnDrOiD FREE Download

World GPS 163 Maps Sygic GPS Navigation-AnDrOiD

World GPS 163 Maps Sygic GPS Navigation-AnDrOiD | 9.27 GB

Type: Card GPS
Platform: Smartphone (Android 2.0.1 and more)
Contenu: 163 cards, type xxx.yy.2013.01
Languages: Multilanguages
Tested: Sygic GPS Navigation v3.0 v11.2.2, v11.2.3, v11.2.6 et v11.3 Beta, with Samsung GS2 (Android 2.3.4)

Intructions to install:

- Install Sygic_12.1.3.trial.apk

- Activate sygic in "motocross" Launch the try and download the wished maps

- Go out of sygic

- To use an explorer (Astro, ARE an explorer of file or a connection pc and to rename ) the directory "Sygic"

(on your card(map) SD) in "Sygics".

- Uninstall Sygic of your smartphone

- Instal Sygic_12.1.3. CK.apk

- Do not launc Sygic!!!

- Rename the directory " sygics " in "Sygic" (as previously)

- Launch Sygic!

Africa (33 pays)

AGO Angola
BEN Benin
BFA Burkina Faso
BWA Botswana
CMR Cameroun
COD Congo (RDC)
COG Congo
DZA Algerie
EGY Egypte
GAB Gabon
GHA Ghana
KEN Kenya
LSO Lesotho
MAR Maroc
MLI Mali
MOZ Mozambique
MRT Mauritanie
MUS Maurice
MWI Malawi
MYT Mayotte
NAM Namibie
NER Niger
NGA Nigeria
REU Reunion
SEN Senegal
SWZ Swaziland
TGO Togo
TUN Tunisie
TZA Tanzanie
UGG Ouganda
ZAF Afrique du Sud
ZMB Zambia
ZWE Zimbabwe

Europe (45 pays et principautes)

ALB Albanie
AND Andorre
AUT Autriche
BEL Belgique
BGR Bulgarie
BIH Bosnie-Herzegovine
BLR Belarus
CHE Suisse
CZE Republique Tcheque
DEU Allemagne
DNK Danemark
ESP Espagne
EST Estonie
FIN Finlande
FRA France
GBR Royaume-Uni
GIB Gibraltar
GRC Grece
HRV Croatie
HUN Hongrie
IRL Irlande
ITA Italie
LIE Liechtenstein
LTU Lituanie
LUX Luxembourg
LVA Lettonie (Latvia)
MCO Monaco
MDA Moldova
MKD Macedoine
MLT Malte
MNE Montenegro
NLD Pays-bas
NOR Norvege
POL Pologne
PRT Portugal
ROU Roumanie
RUS Russie
SMR Saint Marin
SRB Serbie
SVK Slovaquie
SVN Slovenie
SWE Suede
TUR Turquie
UKR Ukraine
VAT Vatican

Asia et Oceanie (24 pays)

ARE Emirats Arabes Unis
AUS Australie
AZE Azerbaedjan
BHR Bahreen
BRN Brunei Darussalam
HKG Hong Kong
IDN Indonesie
IRN Iran
IRQ Iraq
ISR Israel
KAZ Kazakhstan
KWT Koweet
MAC Macao
MYS Malaisie
NZL Nouvelle-Zelande
OMN Oman
PAK Pakistan
PHL Philippines
QAT Qatar
SAU Arabie saoudite
SGP Singapour
THA Thaelande
TWN Taiwan
VNM Vietnam

Noth America, Centrale et Latine (8 pays)

ARG Argentine
BRA Brasil
CAN Canada
CHL Chili
COL Colombie
MEX Mexique
URY Uruguay
VEN Venezuela

American States (53 cardss whose 50 states + DC + Porto Rico + Ilands Vierges US)

UAK Alaska
UAL Alabama
UAR Arkansas
UAZ Arizona
UCA California
UCO Colorado
UCT Connecticut
UDC District of Columbia
UDE Delaware
UFL Florida
UGA Georgia
UHI Hawaii
UIA Iowa
UID Idaho
UIL Illinois
UIN Indiana
UKS Kansas
UKY Kentucky
ULA Louisiana
UMA Massachusetts
UMD Maryland
UME Maine
UMI Michigan
UMN Minnesota
UMO Missouri
UMS Mississippi
UMT Montana
UNC North Carolina
UND North Dakota
UNE Nebraska
UNH New Hampshire
UNJ New Jersey
UNM New Mexico
UNV Nevada
UNY New York
UOH Ohio
UOK Oklahoma
UOR Oregon
UPA Pennsylvania
UPR Porto Rico
URI Rhode Island
USC South Carolina
USD South Dakota
UTN Tennessee
UTX Texas
UUT Utah
UVA Virginia
UVI Virgin Islands
UVT Vermont
UWA Washington
UWI Wisconsin
UWV West Virginia
UWY Wyoming

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